Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Notes on CP @ AT 992672//1st Marines//1966

July 1966
During July, Headquarters Company moved from its CP location north of Marble Mountain to the old 3d Battalion, 1st Marines CP southwest of DaNang. After a relatively smooth move to the new CP site efforts were directed toward establishing a tighter perimeter by drawing in the wire on the west flanks and preparing better fields of fire throughout the perimeter. Obstructions were cleared, roadblocks established and four towers were erected to provide better security and eliminate several posts. At the end of the reporting period the new command post was taking excellent shape.

August 1966
Additional wire was laid and heavy underbrush and trees were cleared on the East flank.

1-31 October 1966:

(3) Improvements continued to be made on the CP Perimeter in the form of additional wire. Pre-fabricated bunkers have been completed on ten main defensive positions.

(4) A defensive strip of approximately 100 feet by 400 meters on Northeast edge of the perimeter has been cleared with villagers and staked out. Arrangements have been made for the use of a bulldozer in clearing of this strip.